Posts by William Glasse (Page 20)

Tree tops

You may not be prepared to pay for the view from my desk but it never ceases to interest me. In these ordinary trees I see the changing seasons and although sometimes I have a surprise when something like a woodpecker comes to call, some of my best entertainment is provided by the wood pigeons.…


I recently had the great privilege of returning to the Church in which I grew up to lead their 356th Anniversary. Inevitably I met new people and was reacquainted with people I have known all my life. Some of the former group were from families associated with mine and yet as individuals we have never…

Anger Management

Jonah wanted to watch what happened to Nineveh. He went out to a vantage point and made himself a shelter to protect himself from the sun while he boiled with rage at God’s mercy.  A large, leafy plant grew quickly and sheltered him adding to the comfort of his viewing platform. Then a worm chewed…

Gods nature

My sister is one of the most long suffering, patient people I have ever met. I incline to irascibility and while I always regret and often have to apologise for shortness of temper, I find it hard to be as good as she appears to be. I do not suppose I am alone in not…

How did that happen?

In the third chapter of the book that bears his name, Jonah, having learned his lesson about running from God, is recommissioned and returns to Nineveh to preach. The simplicity of the message is stark: ‘forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown’. Nineveh was a great city. There is some uncertainty about the dating…

Could have been worse

Have you ever reached the conclusion that you have just made a huge mistake? Most of us, at some time, will have had one of those experiences where we realise we have just made the wrong decision and the consequences will be tough; they may be with us for some time. World news is full…

All wrong

Jonah, in the Old Testament book that bears his name, was all discombobulated. God called him to preach repentance to a city of people in need of repentance so he could forgive them. Jonah ran away. In the last chapter he reveals that he, Jonah, is not comfortable with God’s habit of providing forgiveness to…

Getting Ready

When I was a boy at home, one of the pre-harvest rituals on the farm was that of ‘getting the combine ready’. In the late 1960s and early 1970s machines were very much smaller than those we see now and almost every farm had its own. Farm pest control was not so good in those…

Singing Songs

God’s people have always been singing, so the hymn goes. Reflecting on the last year, it is interesting the differences there are between us over the place of singing in worship – it seems that we are not all reacting the same way. I have always loved hymns and the pleasure of singing in a…

Free Access

The last twelve months has brought into focus the different ways we access news and the reliability of it. Years ago news spread by word of mouth with reliable and unreliable sources muddled up together, with the local gossips adding the necessary spin to sensationalise the otherwise dull. The previous President of the United States…