Posts by William Glasse (Page 11)


By the time you read this we should be away on holiday, somewhere off the coast of Norway enjoying a trip we had planned, booked and paid for before Covid derailed everyone’s best intentions. I will believe it when we get there, such is the effect of the last two years of changed plans and…

Bright Bees

We have been delighted over the last three or four weeks to watch a hummingbird hawk moth busily feeding outside our dining room window while we are feeding inside it. Then I realised something I should have noticed before, namely, bees and other insects busily feeding on flowers do not waste their time coming in…

Freedom, what freedom?

When we think about slavery we tend to think of the relatively recent past and the dilemmas thrown up by wealth derived from slavery, or we think about modern slavery. All this is about abuse and the curtailment of the lifestyle of one person or group by another person or group. Yes, that is simplistic…

What’s in a Definition?

Christine O’Neil’s recent Thought about William Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’ concluded, ‘Jerusalem is very popular, but is it a hymn?’. I have been thinking about that question ever since, having almost never chosen Jerusalem in over forty years leading worship. Indeed, it is absent from many hymn books. Like many people, I like the rousing tune and…


I am not usually forthcoming in conversations with taxi drivers. When at work I am inclined to be preoccupied with thoughts of the day ahead. Often, in foreign countries, the language barrier precludes discussion. My driver in Helsinki recently was different. It turned out that this man had given up his business because cancer forced…


I have a weakness for overusing the exclamation mark in written exchanges, especially in those short replies that are a feature of social media ‘correspondence’. Punctuation is important, and to over use is to devalue the impact of something that should be more than a throw-away symbol. The same is true of the careless deployment…

Playing our part

In 1789, Benjamin Franklin, a significant figure in early American history, coined a phrase that is still quoted today. He said, ‘Nothing is certain except death and taxes’. Sunday 12th June is Tax Justice Sunday; an opportunity for churches simultaneously to address the two certainties that Benjamin Franklin spoke of. We have a gospel that…

Congratulations Ma’am

Her Majesty The Queen was born the year before my late father. For a couple of years before he died, Father was constantly speculating about whether this weekend would ever come. Whoever you are and whatever your views on royalty generally and the British Royal Family particularly, today no one can deny the human achievement…

Risen, Ascended, Glorified

A few years ago, I remember, I tentatively suggested that a Church I was working with may like to consider having a service on Ascension Day. We agreed to go ahead and for a year or two a faithful few gathered to remember this remarkable moment in our liturgical year. Now many of us let…

Wheels within wheels

I have always been fascinated by old clocks; the intricacy of a mechanism is astounding but so is the precision of time keeping that is possible when all is well. We have inherited several clocks which tick away happily and require almost no attention apart from their weekly wind. The cogs in a clock movement…