Posts by Sue Hockenhull

I’m coming to your house for tea

Seaton Road at Felixstowe Methodist Church have held Godly Play sessions Sunday afternoons throughout the winter months.  The visual presentations help us to think and “wonder”. At our last session the story of Zacchaeus was played out. The long road (vinyl wallpaper) was laid out between Jericho and Jerusalem (shoe box) with the crowds gathering…


Sir, I have no husband Here at Seaton Road Methodist we resumed “Time 4 You” for the winter months, where sessions use the practise of “Godly Play” to look at a visual presentation that takes you on a personal level into a story & then we discuss & “wonder”. In October we looked into “The…


Suffolk Historic Church Trust is 50 years old, 1973 -2023.  To celebrate a service was held at St Edmundsbury Cathedral Sunday 17th September which I was privileged to attend. 400 reps attended from 60% of churches. In 1973 the Duke of Grafton gained support for a new body to help with restoration & upkeep of…

Mountains and Valleys

Jesus invited his three closest disciples to go up a mountain with him (Matthew 17). There his appearance altered, bathed in bright light that dazzled the disciples. Moses & Elijah appear, two of Israel’s greatest prophets. This was the “transfiguration”, a mountaintop experience. It changed the disciples forever answering their deep-seated doubts about who Jesus…

Christianity at Work – but outside

Call me Moses.  Through a set of difficult circumstances (don’t ask), I have become “Moderator” of Churches Together Felixstowe.  That’ll teach me to agreeing in a weak moment to stand as “Deputy Moderator”! So I recently chaired our annual AGM at which all the organisations/charities supported by CTF are asked to submit a report of…

No more excuses!

Noah was a drunk….. Abraham was too old………..  Jeremiah and Timothy were too young………..  Isaac was a day dreamer……… Leah was ugly…… Joseph was abused…….. Moses had a stuttering problem……. Gideon was afraid…… Samson had long hair and was a womaniser….. Rahab was a prostitute…… David had an affair and was a murderer………. Elijah was…


Over the years I have made many quilts.  Like fellow quilt-makers I worry that recipients want to lock them away and only bring them out “for best”. They don’t want to spoil them or cause damage to this carefully crafted item knowing how many hours it has taken to produce this work of art.  However,…


The members of a certain church worked well with willing hands and useful articles they made, to send to foreign lands. A dear old Granny sewed with joy-, a patchwork quilt she made and as she joined the gaudy scraps, with every stitch, she prayed. She took it to the vicarage and beamed with pride…

The Letter

Based on 2 Corinthians , Chapter 3 The Pearly Gates, Heaven Dear Disciple,      Forget the piece of paper – it’s you that I want. Forget the ink – I want your heart. Forget the pen – I use the Holy Spirit. I’m not posting a letter. I’m sending you. Not Royal Mail, But Loyal Male.…