Posts by .Staff (Page 70)

October Circuit Plan

This is a copy of the Circuit Plan for October 2020 – We are slowly trying to open more Churches due to the Coronavirus situation. Not all the Churches will be open every week – Please check on Facebook / Websites etc for up to date information. We are continuing to provide online services every…

Peter Cole

Following the success of our recent drive in worship, we thought that people would want to know that Peter Cole, the man who inspired the event sadly died in the early hours of Sunday 20th September, we sent our best wishes to his wife Dulcie and the family. Please hold them in you prayers at…

A Smile

Wendy Jobson has sent in this anonymous poem to share with you all today… A smile costs nothing, but gives much.It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it…