Posts by .Staff (Page 69)

Making a Difference Award

Rev Diane Smith was recently interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk after she was nominated for a Making a Diiference award. Diane spoke about alot of the things that have been going on in the last few months during the Covid pandemic. You can listen to the entire interview by clicking the play button below. Diane…


Proverbs 10:11 The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well,but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse. Words are powerful !  The damage caused by harsh words can last a lifetime. It is imperative that we control our words, even more so in the digital word that we…

Money bag

Psalm 119 v 71.It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees There was a man who was deep in debt. On his way to work each day, he walked past the door of a wealthy businessman. When the rich man learned of the debtor’s plight he decided to…

Get Creative Winners Announced

The Methodist Church has announced the winners to their Get Creative competition. It is a joy to hear from children and young people about how they’ve encountered God. See all the winning entries here.

November Circuit Plan

This is a copy of the Circuit Plan for November 2020 – We are slowly trying to open more Churches due to the Coronavirus situation. Not all the Churches will be open every week – Please check on Facebook / Websites etc for up to date information. We are continuing to provide online services every…