This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 145:1.
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 145:1.
New Defibrillator installed at Alan Road.
Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Phyllis Thompson Adapted from a contribution by Rev Phyllis Thompson, the Education Director for the New Testament Church of God-Leadership Training Centre, at the time of writing. (www.christianaid.orguk) Something to read Now as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge,…
This 10 minute ‘Bite Sized’ service reflects on Romans 5:8.
Sunday 4th August – 4pm
Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Charlotte Haines Lyon Something to read First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all…
This weeks 10 minutes, Bite Sized Service reflects on Psalm 100:2-3.
6th Ipswich Boys Brigade celebrate 100 Years!
Sunday 9th June saw Holbrook celebrating 195 Years at the Chapel.
This week, our 10 minute service reflects on Psalm 18:2