Posts by Raymond Wilson (Page 7)

Who do you think you are ?

Who do you think you are ? God thinks you are amazing !  By Steve MawstonScripture Union, 1997  127 pages  £1  ISBN 978 1 859 992 036 Specifically aimed at teenagers, this book not only deals with the many anxieties and worries of youngsters beginning to find their identity but successfully manages to relate identity…


With the sky clouded over and the evidence of heavy rainfall to be seen everywhere in the sky and on the roads, pavements and gutters, one hesitates to speak of ‘glory’. Glory bespeaks light, radiance, illumination, brightness and effulgence. It is the very antithesis of clouds and darkness, rain and puddles.The RSV Handy concordance begins…

From Exile to Restoration

From Exile to Restoration : the role of the British Empire in the Restoration of Israel Hatikvah Film Trust, 2008  2 dvds 1) 58 minutes  2) 56 minutes   £13 In this film, sister to ‘The Destiny of Britain’, the presenter, Kelvin Crombie, together with Israeli academics and other experts, presents the story of Jewish,…


Psalm 139 verse 14 “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Revised AV) In an appendix to his book ‘Who do you think you are?’, Steve Mawston lists many of the amazing truths about the working of the normal human body. For example, the human body contains 55,000 miles of blood…


Lincoln   dvd, 2012   Twentieth Century Fox  144 minutes  £3 The consummate professionalism of Steven Spielberg is manifestly evident in this film. It is not a full-blown biography of the American President, the focus is rather on a few weeks towards the end of the Civil War in what turned out to be  the…


Here are words of Psalm 23 translated into Eduspeak. It is a laughable parody. If you are like me, having laughed or been puzzled, you would much prefer the original King James version. The Lord and I are in a shepherd/sheep situation and I am in a position of negative need. He prostrates me in…

John Wesley : the Man and his Mission

John Wesley : the Man and his Missiondvd, 2012  55 minutes  Wesley Mission (Australia) £13.99 This is an Australian production although the presenter is English (?) (Superintendent of the Sydney Mission in Australia) and the superb filming takes place all over England. It is an adequate account of Wesley’s life but rather prosaic and pedestrian…

Christ’s transforming power

How much do Christians in Niger, a predominantly Muslim country in West Africa, have to teach Christians in the West ? The Bible Society issues a monthly newsletter to those who belong to the Bible a Month community of about 23,000 people. Two countries are covered in each newsletter with reports from Bible Society secretaries,…