Posts by Raymond Wilson (Page 4)

One word of truth

“One word of Truth…” is the title of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s acceptance speech when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970. The title is part of a Russian proverb which says ‘One word of truth outweighs the whole world’. In the news very recently, you will almost certainly have heard or read that…

The Cross and the Swastika.

The Cross and the Swastika  by FT Grossmith  Word Publishing, 1988 125 pages out of print ISBN 978 0 850 091 526 The author presents an unusual insight and perspective on the Nuremberg trials held after the end of the Second World War. This is the story of Major Henry Gerecke, an American army chaplain…

The Book of Ruth : a journey of faith

The Book of Ruth : a journey of faith   dvd  High Fliers Films, 2019  86 minutes  This film is a fairly faithful representation of the Old Testament story of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz with such additional characters and dialogue as judged necessary to make the story flow. A narrator helps the story along but only…

We have a hope

Does Christianity have anything useful to say about the prevailing culture ? Both Jesus and St Paul had things to say about the ‘world’ which, in context, means the ‘prevailing culture’. In Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, we read what Macbeth has to say –                 “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player                  That struts…

One new every week!

‘More than one new Bible or New Testament launched every week’ that is the amazing claim in the recently published report (2021-22) of Wycliffe Bible Translators ( Behind the news is the unflinching commitment of hundreds of translators and back-up workers with the financial and prayer support of thousands around the world. They all want…

Jeremiah (The Soncino Books of the Bible)

Jeremiah (The Soncino Books of the Bible), commentary by Rabbi Dr H FreedmanSoncino Press, 1949 369 pages  available from Langdon eTraders via Amazon   £15 This commentary on the Old Testament book of Jeremiah is one of a series (14 vols in all) published, with many reprints, just after the second World War. Rabbi Dr H…