Posts by Raymond Wilson (Page 21)

“Feelings and Faith”

Thought of the day – Friday 17th April 2020 Hymns & Psalms 740  My God, I know, I feel thee mine verse 2I hold thee with a trembling handBut will not let thee go,Till steadfastly by faith I standAnd all thy goodness know. The initial reaction to the words of verse 2 might well be…

“All renewed I am”

Thought for the day – Thursday 15th April 2020 How spiritual are you ? How much do you love God ? In effect, these questions ask the same thing just using different words. Your spirituality is measured by how much you love God and want to live your life in accord with his teaching. Consider…

A Passion for truth – Book Review

A passion for truth : the intellectual coherence of evangelicalism by Alister McGrath. Apollos, 1996  256 pages  £14.99   ISBN 0 851 114 477 In 5 sections of closely argued and convincing detail, Alister McGrath demonstrates that evangelicalism enjoys intellectual coherence, (ie within its own terms it is reasonable) as well as academic credibility, that is,…

Oranges and Sunshine – Film Review

Oranges and Sunshine (dvd, 2010) 101 mins. If you can remain unmoved by this story, you must have a heart of stone. While it does not have a specifically Christian background it is quite definitely a film with a clear moral message. It is based on true historic events with real-time historic characters. Margaret Humphreys…