Posts by Raymond Wilson (Page 20)


Thought for the day – Tuesday 3rd June 2020 2 Timothy 4 7  “ I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith”. Paul, writing to Timothy, about to face execution after an unfair trial and an unjust sentence from Emperor Nero, says, “I have fought the fight;…

Against Calvanism – Book review

Against Calvinism  by Roger E Olson    Zondervan, 2011   £15   207 pages  ISBN 978 0 310 324 676 Also available as an eBook Roger Olson is a Baptist minister and a professor of theology at an American theological college. He has written this book to show the theological and logical weaknesses of Calvinism and, by implication,…

Gods Big Picture – DVD Review

God’s Big Picture : a Bible overview  by Vaughan Roberts Book  IVP, 2009  £8.99  170 pages  ISBN 978 1 844 743 704 dvd   IVP, 2017  £9.99   9 781 783 596 140 The book and dvd both trace the storyline of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and they can each be used quite independently with…

“His Love endures Forever”

Thought for the day – Friday 22nd May 2020 Psalm 136O, give thanks to the Lord, for He is goodFor His steadfast love endures for ever  Endurance is not easy, not by any means. Consider the story of Shun Fujimoto the Japanese gymnast. He puts the Olympic Games in an altogether worthy perspective. Now retired,…

“Enduring faithfullness”

Thought for the day – Wednesday 20th May 2020 Matthew 24 13: But those enduring to the end shall be saved Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my father,There is no shadow of turning with thee;Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not;As thou hast been thou for ever wilt be.  This well known and…

“Knox” – DVD Review

Knox DVD   Trinity Digital, 2015    77 minutes  £12 John Knox was a reformer and a revolutionary. Born circa 1514 he lived for nearly 60 years and  was very much a child of his time – the time of Luther and the Protestant Reformation. This film looks at the life and legacy of this man who…

“Pray to the Spirit”

Thought for the day – Monday 20th April 2020 Hymns & Psalms 740  My God, I know, I feel thee mine verse 7Refining fire, go through my heartIlluminate my soul;Scatter thy life through every partAnd sanctify the whole. It is a pity to miss out some reflection on verses 5 and 6 of this hymn…

“Wonderful God”

Thought for the day – Sunday 19th April 2020 Hymns & Psalms 740  My God, I know, I feel thee mine verse 4Jesus, thine all-victorious loveShed in my heart abroad,Then shall my feet no longer rove,Rooted and fixed in God. The Bible (it had to be the Authorized Version in Wesley’s time, remember) really filled…