Posts by Raymond Wilson (Page 19)


You can’t fail to have noticed the words ‘normal’ and ‘normality’. They are to be heard and read everywhere. For the Christian disciple, ‘normal’ and ‘normality’ both have a meaning far beyond their current usage. Years ago, I heard a lecture by an American theologian and philosopher, Dr Francis Schaeffer, who, in the course of the lecture,…

The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis

The Weight of Glory  by CS Lewis    SPCK, 1942 23 pages        available in many of CS Lewis’s books of collected writings Combine a healthy, focussed imagination with a deep understanding of the way Christians see things, add an enviable command of language and you will eventually come up with CS Lewis. Such gifts are…

Darwin’s Dilemma – DVD Review

Darwin’s Dilemma  dvd  Illustra Media 72 minutes 0 467 106 309  Available for purchase or on You Tube According to a leading palaeontologist the Cambrian explosion caused Charles Darwin more grief than joy. Nothing distressed him more. With graphic detail, this dvd examines what is, without doubt, one of the most spectacular events in the…

“Never give up”

Thought for the Day – Friday 12th June 2020 Bible Reading  1 Corinthians 10  13God is faithful and he will not let you be temptedbeyond your strength but, with the temptation, willalso provide the way of escape,that you may be able to endure it. The greatest inducement to give up the Christian fight (and we…


Thought for the day – Saturday 6th June 2020 Ephesians 6 18 ‘…keep alert with all perseverance…’ The world of sport is not the only area of life where instances of perseverance or endurance cause deep admiration and worthy wonder. Think of selfless heroes or heroines of war, Odette, for example, or the people of…