Posts by Nichola Glasse (Page 2)

Bear hunt

When the ground was covered in snow and we were unsure about venturing out in case we slipped over and checked the freezer to establish how long we could leave it before a shopping trip I was reminded of a book we read to our children when they were little, it was called ‘Kipper’s snowy…

Waiting for buses

I have never really felt comfortable catching buses.  It is probably that as a child I never had to use them, and by the time I was a young adult and working but had not yet passed my driving test and had to use them they worried me.  Then of course there were the odd…

Travelling blind

Today I nearly cried.  A television programme took my breath away.  It is rare for any programme to make be even consider becoming tearful; even ‘War Horse’ did not make me cry, (well not much). Probably if I had not walked past the DIY shop, I would not have come close to tears.  Today I…