Posts by Margaret Gooderham

Hearing from God

This thought was first published in August 2021 I found this piece from Geoffrey Rust pinned to our Church notice board today – I had used it once a while ago in a service at Knodishall and someone thought it was worth sharing. Having read it again I believe it is definitely worth sharing.  It certainly…

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is a much loved and remembered Psalm and is often read at funerals.  The words are very comforting and reassuring especially in times of sadness. During our recent Cafe Church we were thinking of shepherds and the parable of the lost sheep. One of our challenges was to revisit the Psalm and rewrite…


We use many words in church but are not always sure quite what they mean.  I found this in my old files and it made me think. God’s Love Opened up and Reaching out for You G  – going through life L  –  loved by Jesus O –  open to God R  – ready to…

Climb the ladder

Our family has always been great board games players and I have a variety in the cupboard that come out whenever we get together.  In their younger days my eldest son was almost always the winner to his younger brother’s frustration.  Now they are much older it doesn’t seem to matter too much.  One day…

Upside down?

In the past I was often involved with leading outdoor Songs of Praise and services on the beach along with talented musicians and we always included songs that spoke the name of Jesus. The story is told of a Vicar was getting ready to speak in the open air and he noticed that everybody seemed…

A Statement of Faith

We believe in God, who, in his Son Jesus Christ, has come among us to defeat the power of sin and the fear of death. We believe in God the Holy Spirit, poured out on the Church to assure it of the presence and power of the risen Christ. We believe that before time was,…


As I walked along the seashore, my eye was drawn to the side of a rockpool, where, just sticking out of the sand and seaweed, was the point of an unusual shell.  I stopped and picked it up.  It was covered with mud and bits of seaweed, but intact.  It was most unusual for this…

Everyone Loves a Nativity Play!

Violins screeching, recorders blasting. A little girl dressed as an angel, pushing a wise man off the platform. Two shepherds attacking each other with crooks while their headdresses slip down over their eyes. And the parents in the pews say’ aah’. The school carol service is in full swing. There in the corner on a…

Do you want to leave?

From my old files. Some of the followers of Jesus had been listening to His teaching and they didn’t like what He was saying.  They said it was just too hard and they turned their back on Him and left. Jesus asked the question of His disciples who were left. –‘Do you also want to leave?’…

The Quilt

Recently our preacher was talking about parables in the Bible and how they contain truths about God in an interesting and relatable way.  Jesus often used parables to teach us about the Kingdom of God and I was reminded about this one especially as I have a great friend who is wonderful quilter. THE QUILTAs…