Posts by Liz Cope (Page 6)

Out of the mouths of children

I was recently invited in to our local Primary School to talk to the children in years 1 and 2, (5–7-year-olds), about what it means to me to be a Christian. They had been exploring Bible stories that demonstrated what characteristics a follower of Jesus has; their favourite being about trusting Jesus – Jesus calming…

Where to sit

I have a significant university reunion coming up in March. Over the (many) years there have been many reunions with varying take up by members, myself included. I think I attended the 10 and 25 years. However, judging by the messages flying back and forth on the “WhatsApp” group, all but about 3 out of…

Living Hope

I was driving home from a time of worship at our local MHA at Norwood in Ipswich this afternoon singing along to my favourite Worship Song of the moment – Living Hope by Phil Wickham. It opens with the words How great the chasm that lay between us,                                                                                                                     How high the mountain I could…

Would you receive help?

The parable of the Good Samaritan has been covered recently in our TFTD. It is a well-known story and one you might remember hearing as a child in school assemblies or Sunday School. We are using this story in our next Messy Church when we think about love. Jesus had told this story in reply…

What’s in a name?

My eldest son is about to return to Australia having spent a few weeks back in the UK during January. His birthday falls about 3 weeks after he has left, so I thought I would take the opportunity of getting him a birthday card before he flew back. (Past experience has taught me that it…


I recently bought some garden lights. The idea is that they are solar powered – charging up during the day and then automatically lighting up at night. 48 hours of sunlight will result in the lights working for around 6 hours. As they are going to be needed in June, my hope is that they…

Not me?!?!

Who me?           What am I doing here?                                                                                                                                                Have you ever suffered from “Imposter Syndrome”?                                                                                              Surely someone else could do a better job than me?                                                                             I’ll mess up, I’ll fail, this is all a terrible mistake? I remember when I was at university, I failed a respiratory physiology exam and that was the end…

Good timekeeping

I am not the world’s best timekeeper. Twice a week I share a lift with a friend to our local gym for keep fit classes. We have a system where she picks me up about 15mins before the class is due to start and we arrive with plenty of time to spare. However our system…

You are the God of new beginnings

Some years ago, Rev Rob Anning came to preach at Elmsett Methodist Church. He asked us to sing a hymn by Rev John Bell, from the Iona Community, ‘You are the God of new beginnings’. It is a hymn that really speaks to me. As with a lot of John Bell songs, it is reflective…

What joy!

I have recently been looking through family photos as I was putting together a slide show of photos for my aunt’s funeral, and I came across this photo of her great great niece cuddling her newborn baby brother. (For those who might have read any of my previous TFTDs, I refer to 16-10-23– the photo…