Posts by Liz Cope (Page 5)

How majestic is his name!

I recently had to go to Llandudno in north Wales. It wasn’t a holiday, but to visit an elderly aunt who is in hospital. Having sat with her for several hours, on the hottest day of the year, I decided to try and get some fresh air, so went for a walk along the west…

From little acorns mighty oaks grow

Last week I was out in my garden tidying up – weeding and lawn-mowing amongst other things. I cam across this tiny oak tree sapling that was growing in the middle of the lawn. When I pulled it up, it still had the acorn shell attached and a long tap root, that had been attempting…


Anna Porter brought us a TFTD a couple of weeks ago about sunflowers and how they bring sunshine into dark places, and reflected on the image from Ukraine, where fields of sunflowers have has to give way to graves for those who have died in the conflict. It got me to thinking about the sunflowers…

Moving mountains

This TFTD is based on the message we heard at Elmsett a few weeks ago, based on Mark 11:22-26 and Ephesians 6: 11-15. Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, had seen a fig tree in full leaf but no fruit. He cursed the tree and the next day the disciples noticed its leaves had withered…

Weeds or wildflowers?

On my return from Church a few weeks ago I found this bunch of wildflowers left sticking out of the spout of a full watering can by the back door. This simple gesture lifted my spirits which had taken a bit of a battering. (Nothing to do with being at Church!) None of the flowers…

Which way to go?

On a recent cycle trip in France the plan was to cycle along a waymarked cycle route – the VeloMaritime, following the coast east from Morlaix. All was well until we got to a small fishing village where we turned off the main road onto a small minor road. The road then appeared to lead…


On my recent trip to France, I had to hunt around in the recesses of my brain, and dust off (it was very dusty) my French speaking skills.  My cycle buddy for the holiday, Rev Rach Ward was much more confident than me and was able to hold a conversation for more than just a…

Grass seed

We have recently had some landscaping work done at home to try and flatten out our lawn. What I thought might be a guy with a spade and a rake, turned into 2 guys, a digger, a dumper truck and a small tractor and roller. (I think they were big boys playing with big Tonka…

Scary hills

One of the things cyclists, or at least me, worry about is steep hills. On my recent cycling trip, we had one day when we had to climb some 20% hills, one for around 2 miles. However, by far, the most scary experience of the whole trip was Greenhow Hill. This is the descent into…


Another incident that happened on my recent cycling adventure was meeting an obstruction in the road. We were cycling along roads in the Yorkshire Dales and a message came through that there was a lorry obstructing the road in front of us. We had to turn off onto a narrow country lane and were met…