Posts by Liz Cope (Page 23)


Thought for the day – Monday 25th May 2020 Things I like to do…. This is the second in a series of “Thoughts for the day” using four of my hobbies, all of which I have been fortunate enough to continue despite the Covid-19 lockdown. They all give me the opportunity to reflect and ponder…


Thought of the day – Monday 18th May 2020 Things I like to do…. This is the first from a series of “Thoughts for the day” using four of my hobbies, all of which I have been fortunate enough to continue despite the Covid-19 lockdown. They all give me the opportunity to reflect and ponder…

“Jesus appears to His disciples”

Thought for the day – Thursday 26th March 2020 Bible reading – John 20:19  On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders “Corona Virus”, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” I have just returned from…