Posts by Liz Cope (Page 10)

Best of all

This thought was first published in 2021 “The best thing of all is God is with us.” These were the last words of John Wesley as he lay on his death bed. The reality of God’s presence was what he held onto in his final moments. We are fortunate to have the legacy of those…

Thumbs up!

Last week I accidentally cut the top of my thumb. This necessitated a trip to A&E and resulted with a very impressive bandage on the injured digit. I had plenty of time to reflect whilst waiting to be seen by a nurse in the Urgent Treatment Centre. (Actually the wait wasn’t excessively long). It was…

The day after the day before

I have to admit that occasionally when I have been out late celebrating, the next day feels like an anticlimax. If we have been entertaining at home, the next morning often greets me with dirty dishes, and leftover food to clear away. The day after Easter Sunday greets the disciples feeling, “hungover” – Sunday had…


My husband was recently complaining how it was really hard to push the plunger down on our cafetière – only posh coffee in our house! So I set to, with a pair of pliers to dismantle it, only to discover layers of coffee sludge and calcium carbonate blocking the filters. After a good scrub, and…

Flying on wings

Two weeks ago I mentioned my sister’s “significant” birthday. This last weekend we all celebrated together near where she lives in Chinnor, Oxfordshire. The following morning my husband and I walked along the Ridgeway Walk and up onto the top of the Chiltern Hills. We were nearing the end of our walk and as we…

A thorn in the flesh

Last week I was clearing brambles, of which there are many, from our garden. I managed to get a thorn in my finger. However I didn’t notice it until a few days later when my finger became rather sore, particularly when putting pressure on it. I looked at my finger which was becoming rather red…

Significant birthday

This week my sister has a significant birthday and I was faced with the dilemma of what to get her. (I won’t let on what I decided on, in case she reads this!) Should it be something useful, or something funny? Should I ask her what she wants, or should I make it a surprise?…


I’ve just returned from a stroll around the village on a sunny afternoon. Part of the route takes me round some fields and across a small footbridge. Until recently it was very wobbly, with rotten boards and a rickety handrail. Suffolk County Council (I think) have replaced the bridge with a sturdy new one. We…

Walking in the woods      

One New Year’s Eve, several years ago, I was up in Sheffield with my husband visiting his family. We decided to walk to the neighbouring village in order to join in the festivities. The walk back involved my husband and his friend trying to outdo each other with ghost stories. We had to walk back…


The Old Testament reading set for today is the introduction to the life of Ruth.  Naomi and her husband are forced to live in Moab because of famine in the land of Judah. They have two sons who marry women native to the country of Moab. Sadly Naomi’s husband dies and around 10 years after…