Posts by Rev. Joan Pell (Page 6)

MHA Sunday Worship Service

You are invited to worship together with MHA, to reflect on the impact of coronavirus on the MHA communities and remember all those who have died within MHA and beyond. The service will be streamed at 3pm on Sunday June 14th and the recording will be available afterwards. Watch it here.

Joan’s Jottings for 5th June

Christian leaders in Ipswich have today put out a press release with a joint statement in response to the killing of George Floyd. Your six appointed circuit ministers have all signed it. This was put together in a short period of time, so, please do not assume, therefore, that if a neighbouring church or church leader is not on the list that they didn’t agree with the sentiment of the letter!

Joan’s Jottings for 31st May

Today’s service is available online as we continue our series Tales of Peter’s Discipleship Journey and celebrate Pentecost. After the disciples, now called apostles, have received the Holy Spirit, it is Peter who has the boldness and courage and prophetic spirit to get up and respond to what has just happened. With the Holy Spirit flowing through him, Peter gives a passionate speech, putting the events into context. Today, we would call it preaching!

Joan’s Jottings for 20th May

Thy Kingdom Come begins tomorrow. Full details are on the circuit website. There are several things to download: the prayer journal, the phone app, and a family adventure. I have spare printed copies of the prayer journal if you would like one of those. Rev. Andrew Sankey’s video Bible Study is available there too, plus an Ascension Day reflection from Rev. Diane Smith. New things will be added to this page daily for the next 11 days. Who are you going to pray for? Let us Light Up Suffolk in prayer.

Joan’s Jottings for 9th May

Yesterday we marked 75 years since VE Day when the sounds of war fell silent on this continent. Let us be conscious of our need for God’s forgiveness for the sin and the desire to dominate others that leads to conflict between people, and war between nations. As we remember the many soldiers, sailors, and airmen who gave their lives restraining evil and opposing tyranny, let us also give thanks for the years of peace that the nations of Europe have enjoyed since the Second World War.

Joan’s Jottings for 30th April

We rejoice with today’s news that in the UK we are past the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in the general population. At the same time, we hold those in care homes in our prayers as the infections and deaths there continue to rise. We continue to hope and trust in God’s faithfulness and know that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.