Posts by Rev. Jo Jacobs (Page 3)

Senses of the sea

SENSES OF THE SEA, No 4 – ‘SOUND’ The sound of the sea can be calming or terrifying, depending on the strength of the wind and the swell. It can soothe you to sleep or keep you awake! Many artists, musicians and writers have been able to express the sound of the sea to great…

‘Senses of the Sea’

No.3  ‘Sight’ I remember as a little girl going on holiday, and the family competition, as to who could see the sea first. The great sense of excitement, as we glimpsed a patch of blue on the horizon, which grew and grew, as we realised  the journey was nearly at an end, and the two…

The power of a baby

New born babies are a wonderful miracle! As you gaze at the sleeping innocent infant, the miracle, is, that all the future potential and personality lies waiting to develop in that tiny, peaceful, slumbering body. We are overwhelmed by how fragile, and vulnerable that small human being is, and how dependent on us they are.…

Senses of the Sea 2

SENSES OF THE SEA   No.2 The water quality of the sea at Felixstowe has been exceptional this year. I know that the resort has been awarded a Blue Flag, but I can verify from my own experience that on some days the water has been so clear that I have been able to see to…

Senses of the sea

‘SENSES OF THE SEA’    No.1 Sadly, I think I have had my last sea swim of the year! I don’t own a wetsuit, so I don’t brave the ocean in the middle of winter. In any case I love the feel of the sea on my skin, and although I am a cold mortal when it…

Breaking and Mending – No3

Following on from Breaking and Mending 2, we need to accept, of course, that   a time may come when, as Rev Patrick McCluskey, (an inspiration for the healing ministry of Jesus), said, ‘the prayers have to change’. There may come a time in a person’s illness when all medical options have been exhausted, and there…

Breaking and Mending – No 2

Some of you who read my previous piece, Breaking and Mending 1, may be thinking that what I wrote was too simplistic and naive. After all, if someone is ill physically or mentally, or broken in some way, and medical support has not been of much benefit, then putting your faith or trust in someone…

Breaking and Mending – No 1

I have just finished reading a compelling and eye-opening book by Joanna Cannon, author of  ‘The trouble with Goats and Sheep’ and ‘Three things about Elsie’ –( also fantastic reads), entitled ‘Breaking and Mending’, which is a junior doctor’s stories of compassion and burnout. I hope she won’t mind me borrowing her title for a…