Posts by Rev. Jo Jacobs (Page 2)

Pandemic Words – ‘Masks’

There was a time when masks were worn by actors to portray a character in a play – an animal, a bird, a monster. Children love making and wearing masks for fancy dress parties, and aristocrats in a bygone era wore masks to balls. Surgeons and theatre nurses wear masks to perform operations, and those…

Pandemic Words – ‘Lockdown’

Never in my life before March 2020 had I come across the word ‘lockdown’ with its meaning, that for our protection from the virus, most places were shut, including the doors of our houses. Lockdown has meant different experiences for different people. For the most vulnerable, it has meant ‘imprisonment’ in their homes, for others…

Pandemic words – ‘Admit’

I wonder if we will ever go back to church meetings as they were, before lockdown? You know, when there was a Church Council, and it was dark and rainy, or thick fog and ice, and your first thought was that the sofa in your lounge looked a lot more inviting than a hard chair…

Pandemic Words – ‘Data’

Words, like clothes, go in and out of fashion. The meaning of words change over time. Often, we can recognise a person’s age by the words they use. National and global events create new words and new usage of old words, and none more so than the global event of the Covid 19 pandemic. Since…

Senses of the sea – Smell

Our eldest son’s boxer dog, Ruby, loves coming to stay with Grandma and Grandad. It’s not that she doesn’t like chasing around the heaths and woods of Surrey, but as far as Ruby is concerned, there is nowhere better than a beach! She lies very quietly in the back of the car during the 2-hour…