Posts by Rev. Jo Jacobs

‘Here are my hands’

Jesus said, ‘Here are my hands’, as he sat with his friends around the supper table. He took the bread in his hands, and tore the loaf apart, and handed it gently to all of them, urging them to eat, to be part of his body. In his hands he held the cup of blood…

Getting the timing right

Luke 13: 31 – 35 A few years ago, we visited New Zealand and Australia, and our hotels, in both Dunedin, NZ, and Manley, Australia, were right opposite surfing beaches. I am not a surfer, although I have done a bit of body boarding in my time, but I do know that if a surfer…

Palm Sunday Paradox

Jesus always showed the other side of the question, and turned hard held values on their head. Paradoxically, with Jesus, it wasn’t a case of what you see, is what you get, more a case of, ‘do you get what you see’? Is it surprising though that we don’t always get what Jesus means? The…


‘ESSENTIALS FOR WELLNESS’ Since September, those who attend ‘Well in the Week’ on Thursday mornings at Seaton Road Methodist Church, Felixstowe, have been considering ‘Essentials for Wellness’. We probably all know the essentials for life – food, water, shelter, love, and we could, in these modern times, add a healthy diet, exercise, and mindfulness to…


ESSENTIALS FOR WELLNESS ‘Readiness’ ‘Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you are living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy’ ‘READY, STEADY, GO’ Our grandson, Fraser, came out of school one afternoon with the news that he had been chosen to represent his  school in a cross-country…

Essentials for Wellness 3

Since September, those who attend ‘Well in the Week’ on Thursday mornings at Seaton Road Methodist Church, Felixstowe, have been considering ‘Essentials for Wellness’. We probably all know the essentials for life – food, water, shelter, love, and we could, in these modern times, add a healthy diet, exercise, and mindfulness to the list. But…


Since September, those who attend ‘Well in the Week’ on Thursday mornings at Seaton Road Methodist Church, Felixstowe, have been considering ‘Essentials for Wellness’. We probably all know the essentials for life – food, water, shelter, love, and we could, in these modern times, add a healthy diet, exercise, and mindfulness to the list. But…