Posts by Helen Brown


Sometimes, I start writing a Thought for the Day and for whatever reason, it doesn’t quite get finished. Interestingly, one of those was one that I began writing back in May when we were approaching our first wedding anniversary and I was recalling all of the changes that wonderful day brought with it. New house,…


On the day of writing this, it’s the anniversary of the death of my aunt. Parts of that day will always stick in my mind, and in some moments, tears accompany the memories. However, this is not a sad thought. I went to church this morning, for the first time in a few weeks, due…

Not just a book on a shelf

A few weeks ago, I was walking with some friends and their dogs and we happened to look in the windows of a charity shop. I came across a beautiful walnut bookcase with glass doors which stopped me in my tracks. I went inside and ten minutes later was the proud owner of the case.…

Happy Dance

A few months ago, Sam and I travelled back to Suffolk to spend time with all the family as we celebrated my niece’s second birthday. She’s often a source of joy for me, and I have many memories to cherish of moments we’ve shared.   I noticed on this particular visit that she has begun…

Steadfast and Unwavering

I’m sure we all have our thoughts and reactions towards the sad news of the death of our Queen. It’s the sort of day we’ll remember where we were for years after other details have faded. Sam and I hadn’t long got home, and we had the rolling news on as we started to discuss…

Mr and Mrs Brown!

For anyone that doesn’t know, I recently left my job, got married, left home and started a new job all within the space of 8 days. In no way was that what was outlined in the Grand Plan which we had spent over 2 years concocting. I never planned to give myself quite so much…

Green Choices

As part of my role within the URC Youth, I am the nominated “Green Apostle” for the young people. Among other things, I sit on a national committee of “Green Apostles” who meet twice a year to discuss different actions that can be taken on smaller and larger scales to reduce our impact, both as…


This is Harry. He, like nearly all dogs I meet has won over my heart. We only met at the beginning of 2020 but have become good friends and are particular fans of walking and running together-he’s not fussy about which! He’s very clever, understanding far more spoken words than I expected, so much so…

Angry at God?

As the area’s Youth Representative for the URC Youth, I sit on a national committee which meets 4 times a year and for the first time since November 2019, we were able to meet in person as a small group back in June. It was a real treat to be back amongst like minded people…

“Hello, how are you?”

I had a wonderful moment last weekend. As it happens, I was walking home from Church, across a park by our house. A young boy was running around, with the lady caring for him sitting on a bench nearby. Aware of social distancing, I decided to move to walk around them both, to avoid walking…