Posts by Gloria Theobald (Page 4)

John the Baptist

Why do we remember John the Baptist at this time?  Doesn’t he belong in Lent with the Baptism of Christ? John reminds us of the need  for self-examination and for saying we are sorry.  John ‘s baptism was one of repentance.  This gives us comfort and hope – God is always ready to forgive us…


The second candle of the Advent Ring reminds us of those who have spoken for God.  Those who speak God’s wisdom into tricky situations;  those who speak peace into discord;  those who speak reconciliation where people and structures are broken;  those who speak comfort to those in despair; those who foretell consequences  and give warning.…

One is for God’s People

God loves his people. It’s worth repeating that ;  God LOVES his people! If you ever doubt this just remember how Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus.  Consider how Jesus reminds us of how we are valued alongside all of Creation when he speaks of the sparrows and the lilies of the field.  When people…

In the Kitchen – Again !

I’m  experimenting with sourdough.  Getting the “starter” going was interesting and rather messy  and took  a lot of time and a lot of patience.  At every stage there is a long wait, and I mean hours.  Because the yeast has to grow naturally you can’t rush it.  I’ve graduated to actually making sourdough bread now…

Lost but found

“I fled Him down the nights and down the days..” The quote is from “The Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson.  Thinking of how God is always there for us and with us, if we’ll  only open ourselves to His presence, my mind wandered  to Thompson’s poem and how if fitted in with Jonah’s experience.…

Out of the depths

I’ve been reading “Jonah” recently and it’s brought home to me the way God is always there:  Jonah may well want to run away and do his “own thing” but he can’t escape or avoid God.  In the depths of the waters, imprisoned in the great fish – or whale if you prefer – in…

For she is the Spirit

Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No.4.  “For she is the Spirit…”  Let’s look at  a last description of the Spirit from this modern hymn – “..enemy of apathy…”.  Life in the Spirit is unpredictable,…

Fire fountain

Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No.3.   “She dances in fire, startling her spectators…” On the second day of our recent holiday we’d booked to go to Houghton Hall in Norfolk.  Those who know…


Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No 2. “She wings over earth, resting where she wishes…” Recently we joined our grandchildren into the RSPB.  Neither of us are birdwatchers, but we both love to see…