Posts by Diana Sawyer (Page 2)


When I sorted out my Mother’s things after she died over 10 years ago now I found a small spiral bound notebook.  It is a book of prayers my mother had written and I treasure it. Mum was the President of the Women’s Meeting (as it was called then) for about 6 years and the…


I have been reading my Eddie Askew Book again and the thoughts there seem to always make me smile, but also seem to hit home! Today it was about Eddie’s dog Millie.  By all accounts it is a small dog and they always seem to make the most noise.  Millie seems to be protective of…


I wonder how many of you know the meaning of Ember Cards.  I had not heard of them until a few weeks ago.  Our niece, Rachel, is being ordained as a Deacon in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, by Steven, Lord Bishop of Oxford on 1st July 2023.  We are very proud of her and she…


I wonder how many of you know how the numbers in the Bible relate to one another. I was aware of some of them, but it was really brought home to me at the District Synod when Rev Graham Thompson, our President of the Methodist Conference, led our opening worship. He led a Bible Study…


During Lent I have been following the devotions each week from the Leprosy Mission and I felt that they have all been very poignant.  The following is only one of them and I have put the following one into my own words. When one of the Leprosy Mission workers visited the Leprosy Mission’s Anandaban Hospital…


Now that many of our Easter Celebrations are over, I am back to my Eddie Askew book. This morning I have been reading “The Bird Seed Takeaway”.  It really does relate to my garden.  He talks about filling the bird feeder with a mix of seeds and peanuts and watching through the Kitchen window, which…


When I open the blind in the kitchen in the morning the first thing I see is a large patch of yellow.  Our daffodils are in full bloom in the bed in the middle of the garden.  What a wonderful sight. When they die down I leave them as long as I can before cutting…


In Eddie Askew’s book he tells us of a friend who had a really refreshing holiday on a narrow boat on a canal.  They watched the life all around them and noticed that the butterflies were flying faster than they were going. Years ago I went on a week’s holiday on a narrow boat holiday,…


As some of you may know I have supported the Leprosy Mission for many years now. and Ray supports All We Can, which used to be called the Methodist Relief and Development Fund.  That way we both give to overseas projects as well as food banks and other charities in this country.  We are very…


Reading another short piece from my Eddie Askew’s book has started me on another path with my squirrels.  You will probably by now wonder if I spend many hours watching them, I don’t, but glance out of the kitchen window regularly and if they are there watch what they are doing – I find them…