Posts by Rev. Derek Grimshaw (Page 8)

Living with Differences

Until recently, I had never heard of the village of Llanymynech, which, as you might guess from the name, is located in Wales, well, almost.  What makes Llanymynech an interesting place, is that thee border between England and Wales runs along the A483, North Road, the main street in the village, meaning that residents on…

Lent 5 – Jesus Making Disciples

Based on Luke 19: 1-10 I love reading biographies and auto biographies and have quite an extensive collection of books, audio books and digital books. Perhaps I’m just nosy, but I want to know what drives people, how they become successful, how they overcome hurdles and even survive against all the odds.  I particularly like…

Lent 4 Jesus praying

Based on Luke 9: 12-17 Many years ago, before I became a minister, I was asked to preach in an Anglican Church, I processed down the aisle with the vicar and the dignitaries of the Church and went very confidently to the seat I had been allocated, facing the congregation.  Without thinking, I sat, in…

Lent 2 Jesus sharing bread.

Based on Luke 19: 12-17 For many years St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Undercliffe, Bradford had a Church Conference Weekend during November at Green Gables Hotel in Scarborough.  Scarborough Weekend was an important part of my Christian journey and played an import role in my formation into the person I am today.  I owe a…

Serving with gladness

Lent 2 Jesus serving with gladness Based on Luke 4: 16-19 One of the great pleasures I still get out of life is meeting strangers who don’t know what I do for a living, one of my greatest desires is to be normal and be accepted in the way most other people are, rather than…

Jesus Guided by Scripture

We are at the start of our journey through Lent, and we are using “Holy Habits: Following Jesus” written by Andrew Roberts for our Lent reflections in the Ipswich Methodist Circuit this year.  I have decided to pick up the themes for our Sunday Thought for the Day’s Lent 1 Based on Luke 4: 1-13…

The Mountain Top Experience

On two separate occasions, I have ventured to the summit of Mount Snowdon in North Wales.  The first time we went as a family sometime around 2001 and the second time about five years later when just two of us made our way up the mountain.  I hasten to add before you get the wrong…