Posts by Rev. Derek Grimshaw (Page 8)

Jesus Guided by Scripture

We are at the start of our journey through Lent, and we are using “Holy Habits: Following Jesus” written by Andrew Roberts for our Lent reflections in the Ipswich Methodist Circuit this year.  I have decided to pick up the themes for our Sunday Thought for the Day’s Lent 1 Based on Luke 4: 1-13…

The Mountain Top Experience

On two separate occasions, I have ventured to the summit of Mount Snowdon in North Wales.  The first time we went as a family sometime around 2001 and the second time about five years later when just two of us made our way up the mountain.  I hasten to add before you get the wrong…

The Green Comet

The big news of Wednesday 1st February was the possible sighting of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) or “The Green Comet as people have called it.  The only problem was that it was only visible in the middle of the night so most folk were fast asleep when the phenomenon occurred.  Fortunately my son in law…

Winners and losers

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across a programme on the BBC “Take a hike” the concept is nothing new, five total strangers, meet up and over the course of a week, they share a common interest, taking it in turn to plan the events of a day at a time.  In secret, they…

Simple Things

We have a wonderful event at one of the Churches in the Ipswich Circuit.  Tea and Toast happens on a Friday morning and offers a free breakfast to people in the large residential estates around the Church, and it is good to see families from the neighbourhood coming into the Church and having a lovely…

Unity, or Union

Many years ago, a lovely man, who would do anything for the Church and was one of the best evangelists I have ever met, but who would have “nothing to do with God and all that stuff” commented one time that if I claimed that there was only one God, why did we need three…

Fifteen minutes of fame

There is a quote, often attributed to the pop artist Andy Warhol in the late 1960’s that “in the future everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes” maybe when people first heard this statement, they would have thought that highly unlikely.  World Famous is a massive claim and I think that even today, most…

Who is the best?

Many years ago when I was leading a youth group, I saw a non-competitive game being advertised, it wasn’t cheap, but I thought that it had a good moral message, so I invested my heard earned cash and bought one, I read the rules and one Sunday evening we played the game.  I confess, that…

Happy New Year

We stand today on the threshold of yet another new year, but is 2023 just another new year?  I have never had much interest in New Year’s resolutions, because if I have ever even attempted to make them, they have normally only been a success for about twenty four hours.  My wife made a new…

Room for God

Happy Christmas everybody!  Try to Google “Christmas Day” and click on images, I did this and of the top fifty images in my search, there was just one picture that made any reference to the birth of Christ whatsoever. I scrolled right through to the end of the initial search and could find only a…