Posts by Rev. Derek Grimshaw (Page 22)

Light in the darkness

One of the delights of the last few weeks has been Friday evenings on the One Show on BBC1 when the show goes to a street in Leeds where the residents bring their garden chairs out onto the pavement and they chat about topical issues, I love it and it is well worth five minutes…

New life

This picture appeared on Facebook earlier this week and appeared to attract quite a bit of attention, my first reaction was one of amazement that in the knarled roots of an old tree, new life is sprouting forth and at face value, the picture is quite amazing and a wonder to behold.  Next week we…

The Rickshaw Challenge

The BBC marked the Children in Need Appeal 2020 on Friday 13th November and I hope that once again we will see a record amount of money being raised for this wonderful cause.  Normally I would watch the One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge every day during the week and I normally find the experience both moving…

Let us not forget

Over the last few months, we’ve applauded the NHS and Key workers, remembered those who have been affected by the Covid 19 virus and those who have lost their lives, yet I am reminded that the cost of what has happened over the last ten months of this year run far, far deeper.  My brother…

All Saints day

The picture above is of Yockenthwaite a small hamlet in upper Wharfedale.  We drove through Yockenthwaite on the Monday of our holiday last week and the river was little more than a trickle, forming rock pools among the large pebbles, worn smoothe by the flowing water over hundreds of years.  By Thursday afternoon on a…


The cartoon above made me laugh when I first saw it, it is of course a gross overexageration, but as Karen and I have travelled around Yorkshire over that past few days, we have felt to be in an alien land, having to comply with strict Covid rules, hand sanitising every time we have got…

Julian of Norwich

Mother Julian of Norwich has fascinated me for several years, I chose to write a reflection about her during my first year at college and her book Revelations of Divine Love was an inspiration to me as I set out on a new journey of faith myself.  Little did I know, as I studied that…

Evening Primrose

Those of you who know me well, know that I am no gardener, my knowledge is limited to growing grass, dandilions, Daisies and weeds, so I invest very little time in tending my garden apart from mowing the lawn and blame time restrictions and the weather for my lack of interest and expertise.  One of…

Smart Speaker – Bad Manners

As a young child I was taught the important concept that “manners maketh the man” and consequently my parents taught me important words when I was little like, please and thank you, sorry, excuse me and I beg your pardon. I was taught to respect my elders, to hold doors open for people, to not…

Masking out the emotion

We had a lovely open air service during August and I learned that I needed to acquire yet another new skill thanks to the Covid experience, that of identifying members of the congregation, while wearing face masks.  The task was particularly difficult that particular day with some of our lady’s who were wearing big hats,…