Posts by Rev. Derek Grimshaw (Page 15)

The mountain top experience

On two separate occasions I have forked out good money to ride to the top of Snowdon in one of their trusty little trains and both occasions have been memorable and one day I would love to repeat the experience. I have been enticed into making this journey each time with pictures like the one…

No Ordinary Life

As a little lad, I used to love it when my Dad and Uncle James started telling stories of their childhood. One of my favourite stories was about the skin of the rice pudding.  This was back in the days when dinner was eaten at mid day and tea was the early evening meal. The…

Snowdrop Sunday

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we go out for early morning walks, at the time of writing, we were setting off in darkness and arriving home in daylight.  It is a reminder that the days are getting longer now, that this week is the first time that we have set off from…

O Joy that seekest me through pain

I am often in awe of great wordsmiths who write profound lines in poetry, hymns and songs. George Matheson, a blind Scottish minister of religion wrote a famous hymn on the evening before his sisters wedding.  Mattheson had lost his sight aged twenty, while he was trianing for the ministry and engaged to be married. …

Profound sayings

“A society grows great when old men plant tress whose shade they know they shall never sit in” Greek proverb” Over the years, I have become a bit of a collector of profound sayings.  The other day I read this saying from Greek philosophy and it struck a chord with me, particulalry in the light…

Rules, do as you are told!!

There is a sign not far away from where I live, a  bit like the one above, which flashes a red angry face in an intimidating manner at motorists who dare to break the speed limit as a clear sign to everybody around that a criminal has scant disregard for the cildren in the school…

Before the world wakes up

In the world, I believe that there are two kinds of people, early birds and night owls and I fall very much into the first category.  I love early mornings and can get through a huge amount of work before the rest of the world wakes up and since the dawn of the digital age,…