Posts by Rev. Derek Grimshaw (Page 13)

Goodbye Neighbours

Devastating news for some, the final episode of the Australian Soap Opera Neighbours was completed on Friday 10th June 2022 and will be aired in the UK on channel 5 on Monday 1st August 2022, not that I will be watching, but like it or loathe it, the programme has enjoyed a tea time slot…

Being human

Amidst all the pomp and ceremony of the Jubilee weekend celebrations, the BBC managed to hit us with two and half minutes of pure genius and we saw maybe the best bit of television our nation saw in a long time, as the queen invited Paddington Bear to Buckingham Palace for high tea and in…

Jubilee! Taking to the streets.

Weather permitting, the people of Great Britain and around the British Commonwealth will be spilling out into the streets this weekend to celebrate seventy years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. You don’t have to be a staunch royalist to appreciate all that she has done over the last seventy years and still continues…

A Warmed Heart

One of the biggest challenges of the current era seems to be that a whole range of familiar experiences have disappeared from our lives and I am finding it challenging and exciting as dormant memories are reawakened.  This little chapel in the village of Conistone in upper Wharefedale has been important to me for almost…

Following the rules

We were woken abruptly last Sunday morning (8th May) just before 5am by a horrendous sound outside.  We currently live opposite a building site and the main road has been closed to through traffic for the last five days, so the loud crash and grating noise outside caused us to wake immediately and look out…

The good shepherd

We have a season ticket for Jimmy’s farm, just south of Ipswich where we live, and it is some of the best money I have ever spent, we get our money’s worth out of our ticket and visit the farm frequently.  Over the last few years we have got to know some of the staff…