Posts by Rev. Derek Grimshaw


This thought was first published on 24th December 2023 One of my favourite Christmas songs is “O holy night” I remember a few years ago hearing a teenage girl singing the song and she was pitch perfect, (as far as I could tell) it was a thing of beauty, and I can still remember feeling…

Thought for the Day

On Monday 23rd March 2020, as the nation fast approached lockdown due to the Covid 19 Coronavirus pandemic, I remember sitting at my desk and thinking “what do I do with myself now?” I had a load of meetings in my diary and services to conduct, and at a stroke of a pen, everything was…

While we are sleeping

I have decided that our family is weird, there are four of us living in the house, each with different sleeping arrangements, I am one of those people that is a morning person and am often at my desk working around 4am, which means that I am not very late turning in on a night.…

Glastonbury 2024

My daughter told me that I ought to watch the Coldplay concert at Glastonbury.  This is not the kind of thing I would watch as a matter of course, I know very little about the band and their music, so it was with a sense of duty, and my best attempt at being a good…

Food Shortages

One of the projects at several of the churches in the Ipswich Circuit have embraced over the last couple of years has been the introduction of free little pantries and at the time of writing six of our churches are successfully running pantries. There is a notice inside which invites people to take what they…

Paris Olympics 2024

Having got the Election, the Euro’s and Wimbledon out of the way, we now have the Olympics and for the next fortnight the news, the papers, and the television schedules will be dominated by the games and whether this is just the sort of news we have been looking forward to, or we are irritated…

Moving with the times

I took my daughter to our local health centre recently, I noticed that when we arrived, she had to get out of the car before I reversed fully into the parking space, chiefly because the space would allow sufficient room for the car, so long as we didn’t want to get out of it! I…

Action for Children

Leaving the supermarket the other day we saw a young couple with a little girl maybe about eighteen months to two years old.  She was ever so cute and was carrying a little handbag, clearly to be like mum, she headed across to the wire shopping baskets and struggled to try to pick one up,…


Karen and I spent a delightful morning recently at the Methodist Heritage Centre at Wighton near Wells in North Norfolk, where a small group of volunteers have worked diligently to gather memorabilia from Methodism to display in the old chapel, which has now been repurposed. I spent time looking around and as I did memories…

Role Models

It was only when it was over that I learned that Saturday 8th June 2024 had been designated as “Dave’s Day” a day to remember the TV presenter and half of the “Hairy Bikers” duo who died at the end of February this year following a two-year battle with cancer.  Around six thousand motorcycles travelled…