Posts by David Welbourn (Page 2)

Seeing the year differently

I’m sure many of you will have received the annual letter from friends.  I’m sure that many will share a similar flavour this year, with the tone being set by a roundup of the woes of the year.  Through advent and on towards epiphany, as our hopes have been building, there is a much more…

Milky Way

I’m a very keen photographer. I got my first serious camera in 2007, but it is only in the last five years that I’ve been really, really serious, starting with an invitation from Nikon to join a photography workshop in Iceland.  In a matter of days, I went from “that looks interesting, but….”, on to:…

Are you having a ball?

It would be difficult to escape the claims being made across every sector of society that they are suffering more economic hardship than everyone else.  Perhaps I have just grown more cynical, but the quality of news reporting has nose-dived.  The local channels especially are so obviously clutching at straws for stories, given the additional…

“Be Unapologetic”

Thought for the day – Saturday 28th July 2020 Fear seems to be one of the emotions that is driving behaviours and moods as we are still in the throes of Covid-19.  From the beginning of lockdown, we have been taught to be wary, even anxious as political leaders have exhorted us all to exercise…


Thought for the day – Monday 29th June 2020 Continuing my reflections on the significance of words, I thought you might appreciate something a little lighter than my last one.  Maybe a little touch of humour, rather than holding on to the profound?  Bible reading – Psalm 46.God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we…