Posts by David Stone (Page 6)

How many?!?!

Revelation 5 verse 11  “Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand.” For many years, my wife and I have ended our breakfast with (so-called) easy-peel satsumas and most mornings I picture the stacked shelf in my local supermarket. Based on the size, each…

When is Easter next year?

“It’s a shame we only sing Christmas carols at Christmas” was a comment that reminded me of an occasion when, in my early twenties, I was preaching at a village church. It was the middle of the summer, and I thought the congregation might have to explain to anyone walking past, why we were singing…

If you want to grow…

Acts 17:11 They searched the Scriptures daily to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. Enjoying a meal recently, as one of a party of five, two of us were bemoaning the constant repetition of some of the modern Christian songs and I apologised to a younger member of the party because she may…