Posts by David Stone (Page 5)


An opening commentary on my Bible app was based on a reading from Acts 5 verses 1 to 11, the story of Ananias and Sapphira. The writer’s opening comments were as follows. Many these days have been wondering if we are too flippant with God. We livestream church for our convenience. We check our phones…


I sat down to write this contribution shortly after having our daily reading that was centred on a few verses from 2 Chronicles 20. The chapter records how “A vast army was marching against” the nation and king Jehoshaphat was “terrified by this news and begged the Lord for guidance.” And then, verse 5 “He prayed”. This…

The person without sin!

Another fascinating fact, I recently discovered is that throughout the whole of England, it is illegal to eat mince pies on 25 December. I have no way of checking if that is still true, but if so, there must be many who, like me, broke the law on Christmas Day. Hopefully, the police are not…

Did they really say that?

According to The Great Book of British Useless Information, in 2009 Cadbury decided to warn their customers that Dairy Milk contained – Milk! Asda was once recorded as following “Allergy Advice” and decided to place a serious warning that plastic milk bottles contain MILK! I am amused whenever I visit a local Card Shop because…


My first contribution to TFTD resulted from a conversation over a meal when comparing older and newer hymns and songs and I was reminded of that again when undertaking my daily Bible reading recently. The writer was commenting on the reason why, in Genesis chapter 4, Abel’s offering was accepted but Cain’s was not, and…

Are you a surveyor?

During this period of Lent and approaching Good Friday, I was challenged by the opening words of the well-known hymn, “When I survey the wondrous cross”. One definition of the word “survey” is “to look closely at or examine (someone or something),” and this reminded me of a verse from the New Testament. Hebrews 12 verse…

Genesis 22

Genesis 22 I cannot remember the last time I heard this chapter, or even part of it, read publicly and certainly have not heard or read a sermon based on it in recent years. Maybe readers of these TFTD will have been recipients. As a parent, I have often wondered how I would have reacted,…


In two of the smaller rooms in our home, we have heat/light bulbs that prove beneficial at colder parts of the day. On one occasion, a visitor was using the facilities and, because he was tall, soon became aware of the heat on his head!  We would not have known of this if he had…

The one with the stick!

My wife and I are regular viewers of the BBC Songs of Praise programme, and I am frequently bemused by the “antics” of the conductor.  Some use a baton, others rely on their hands, but often the conducting doesn’t seem relevant to the timing. There is such a variety of actions that I wonder how the congregation…