Posts by David Stone (Page 5)

Am I a sieve?

A cashier in a bank related how in the early years of his employment he had experienced a wide range of challenges.  Part of his role was to accept cash credits from all sorts of businesses and though many were easily dealt with, some were not so pleasant.  These included notes paid in by fishmongers…

Rest a While

With my Norfolk pen pal, I stayed at a local Christian Guest House where we met a lovely Irish couple. They were engaged but took the phrase, “Owe no man anything” from Romans 13 verse 8 literally as they didn’t believe in having a mortgage so were saving to buy their first home before getting…

Teach me how to pray

In a recent Bible daily reading, I came across this definition of prayer by the 19th century preacher F.W. Robertson (and no, I hadn’t heard of him either!).  “It is to connect every thought with the thought of God, to look on everything as His work and His appointment, to submit every thought, wish, and resolve…

What’s Going On?!?

Many years ago, I heard a Christian stating that “Video recorders were invented for the benefit of Christians who didn’t believe you should watch TV on a Sunday!”  Presumably, this would enable the Christian to watch a Sunday programme on another day without any sense of guilt.  I find the record facility helpful for a…


An earlier article by Liz Cope included the following comments and if you want to read them in context look at 31 October 2022. “We do this every day – make assumptions, consciously and unconsciously. It is not something we can prevent, but what we can do is recognise when it is happening and try…

Money is the root of all evil!

As a limited Twitter user, I was interested to read a political commentator criticising – and I quote – “so many folks desperate to take snippets of conversation out of context at the moment to create outrage or be outraged.” It reminded me of an incident many years ago when I was walking along the…

The C word.

Luke 2 verse 11 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you, he is the Messiah, the Lord. When did you see the first TV advert for Christmas? Most of the time, I “zone out” when adverts are on but a few days ago I was aware of seeing one…


For too many years in our marriage, I thought of gardening as a necessary evil to be undertaken as quickly as possible so we could go out and enjoy ourselves. Because of my limited knowledge, I was safe to look after the grass area especially as I once proudly announced I had removed a bramble…

Why did you take your trunks then?

Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. (KJV) In the late 1960’s, in the early days of our marriage, I successfully applied to become a trainer at our firm’s training college in London. At the same time, I was attracted to a 12-week evening course at London Bible College (then based…

Money is the root of all evil!

As a limited Twitter user, I was interested to read a political commentator criticising – and I quote – “so many folk desperate to take snippets of conversation out of context at the moment to create outrage or be outraged.” It reminded me of an incident many years ago when I was walking along the…