Posts by David Stone (Page 4)

Cutting the ties?

In a recent media poll asking if King Charles should cut ties with Prince Andrew, I was amazed that, at the time of reading, 81% voted Yes! Several Bible passages came to mind, initially, the story described in various ways as – The prodigal son, the lost son or even the forgiving father. This was…

Listen to what I say. 

I recall a time when my wife asked me if I had heard the weather forecast and I replied, “Yes”. “What did it say?” she asked. My response was, “I don’t know, I wasn’t listening”. The ability to hear without listening is not dissimilar to listening to a familiar Bible passage and suddenly becoming aware…

Where are the other nine?

For many years before and after our marriage, I was blessed by having a Christian father and a Christian father-in-law.  They were so different in character but both demonstrated their relationship with God in various ways. One example would be when they visited us, on separate occasions, on a Sunday to spend the day or…


I recall a meeting I had with a Bank customer and, as part of our conversation, he told me he was an advertising executive. Our chat side-tracked to TV adverts, and I mentioned the one I thought was, at that time, the worst on TV. He then made an interesting comment, that “the makers of…


For several years I was privileged to enjoy fellowship with an older Christian at church and in a Homegroup. One of his qualities that I admired and appreciated was his defence of the “underdog” and linked to that, his dislike of generalisations. When we first moved to our current area and because we had two…


An opening commentary on my Bible app was based on a reading from Acts 5 verses 1 to 11, the story of Ananias and Sapphira. The writer’s opening comments were as follows. Many these days have been wondering if we are too flippant with God. We livestream church for our convenience. We check our phones…


I sat down to write this contribution shortly after having our daily reading that was centred on a few verses from 2 Chronicles 20. The chapter records how “A vast army was marching against” the nation and king Jehoshaphat was “terrified by this news and begged the Lord for guidance.” And then, verse 5 “He prayed”. This…

The person without sin!

Another fascinating fact, I recently discovered is that throughout the whole of England, it is illegal to eat mince pies on 25 December. I have no way of checking if that is still true, but if so, there must be many who, like me, broke the law on Christmas Day. Hopefully, the police are not…

Did they really say that?

According to The Great Book of British Useless Information, in 2009 Cadbury decided to warn their customers that Dairy Milk contained – Milk! Asda was once recorded as following “Allergy Advice” and decided to place a serious warning that plastic milk bottles contain MILK! I am amused whenever I visit a local Card Shop because…