Posts by David Stone


A good friend, a Christian, had employed two men to undertake some repairs to her bungalow, and as she took the younger one a drink, something went wrong and he used those two words as an expletive. As she handed him the drink she just said, “I’d rather you didn’t talk about my friend like that”. The…


I confess that I prefer my morning Bible reading to be a few verses. This is not because of time constraints, but because I find it easier to concentrate and appreciate what I read. This month I was confronted with the opposite of my preference as the readings were from the book of Deuteronomy with…


Using a search engine to look for a specific phrase, I was presented with the words of a hymn I have not sung for many years. It reminded me of the coming event of Easter and how lovely these words are to remind us not just of that four-day period but, for the Christian, a…

Seen or unseen

Each morning we use a Prayer Card that provides a subject for each day of the week, so over a year we pray for each subject at least 52 times, One day of the week covers the subject of “Care for disabled and orphans” and includes the phrase “Disability is often seen as a curse…


A recent personal Bible study was based on Genesis 6, verses 9 to 22, the story of Noah. I still find it amazing to learn of details that either remind me of forgotten verses or are possibly overlooked. At the end of that passage, verse 21 in the translation used, “Be sure to take on…


My wife and I were enjoying a Skype call with our daughter in the USA when suddenly her young son came into view, holding a piece of paper in his hand. He asked his Mum if he could put it in the shredder and she replied that he could, but did he realise that once…

Guide me!

In June last year, my wife and I spent four days based at a hotel near Chester and on our first day we visited that lovely City. We had two unsuccessful attempts to use the Hop-on & Hop-off facility despite using the printed map and checking the timetable at one of the stops. After some…

What is God like?

I am sure many readers will have heard the story of the teacher, having asked the class to draw someone, approached one child and asked her who she was drawing. The girl replied that she was drawing God and the teacher responded, “No one knows what God is like”. The girl replied, “They will when…

By all possible means

This expression is found in 1 Corinthians 9 verse 22 “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some”. I was reminded of the variety of (some would say sneaky) ways in which people choose to share the gospel. The first was a Christian businessman…


Some years ago, I transported an elderly, blind lady to her dentist. Helping her out of the car, we approached the entrance and I said, “There are three steps ahead”. Her response was, “It would be more helpful if you told me if they were up or down!”  We both laughed but it made an…