Posts by Christine ONeill (Page 5)

Go green

It doesn’t seem possible that it’s June already! To me, it’s a month of contrasts with lots of family birthday celebrations but also echoes of the solemnity of examinations. It’s about celebrating long evenings and the shortest night. It’s a time of transition as, from the end of the month, days begin to shorten even…

Chicken or swan?

When it was my birthday recently, small granddaughter rushed to meet me at the door, ‘Grandma, Grandma, I’ve got a card for you!’ she shouted, her eyes flashing with excitement and her hand waving a large pink envelope. ‘Wow!’ I gasped as if I’d never seen a card before,’ What’s this?’ ‘It’s a CARD Grandma!’…

‘Be as little children’….

You may remember a few weeks ago, I wrote about a recent incident when my ‘daughter-in -law’ was taken into A&E. I recounted the reactions of the older two grandchildren which ranged from mild hysteria to laid back detachment. So, what about the youngest? How did she react? When I arrived, she ran into my…

May dew

May dew was thought to have special properties – girls who bathed in it were thought to have beautiful complexions; people would go out of their way to walk barefoot or roll in it; men who washed their hands in it were thought to become good at tying knots and making nets. Mothers would wrap…

It is red!

Anyone who is a regular reader will know by now that my son is a long-distance lorry driver and so is away during the week. He usually leaves on a Sunday afternoon so that he can arrive at his first destination promptly, hitting the floor running, so to speak. Last week, I received a rather…

Seeing is believing

Anyone who is a regular reader will know by now that my son is a long-distance lorry driver and so is away during the week. He usually leaves on a Sunday afternoon so that he can arrive at his first destination promptly, hitting the floor running, so to speak. This week, I received a rather…

Saint George

Saint George was reputed to have been Palestinian. The story most associated with him is that a dragon that lived in a lake required a daily human sacrifice to feed on. When it was the turn of the Princess to be sacrificed, the King offered a large reward for anyone who killed the dragon. George…

He’s home!

On Friday evenings, I go and sit with the grandchildren. Daddy is a long distance lorry driver so, although he does get home on a Friday evening, it isn’t at any set time and depends on traffic and other factors that make timings unpredictable. Meanwhile Mummy needs to be out at six o’clock. Last Friday,…

Cross path

Simon of Cyrene was probably just visiting Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Cyrene was a Greek colony, in what is now Libya, with a strong Jewish population. Many Jews would try to return home for the feast, but it would have taken days of travel and inconvenience to do so. But this particular trip probably…