Posts by Christine ONeill (Page 12)

Isaiah’s Messiah

Born in unhygienic conditions, even by the standards of Israel during the Roman Empire, in an unfamiliar region surrounded by strangers, in appearance just an ordinary baby boy, the salvation of the human race centred on Jesus. The prophet Isaiah gave four descriptions of the Messiah who would come, who we now recognise as Jesus:…

Let sleeping gods lie……

I visited a Hindu Temple for the first time this week with a party of eight year olds. We were met by a lovely older gentleman who, with great patience and gentleness, explained to the class that Hindus have many gods and goddesses, but thirty three were revered the most. The children were intrigued by…

Don’t focus on the silver cup

It is said that one of the reasons that Da Vinci’s painting of ‘The Last Supper’ took four years to complete was that when it was almost finished, a friend commented to the artist that he found the painting incredibly moving – especially the silver cup on the table. “It was brilliant, beautiful!” he said,”…

Forgive and love your enemies

There are several interesting stories associated with Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting of ‘The Last Supper’, here is one of them: Around the time Leonardo started to paint this painting he had an enemy who also painted. He despised him after having had a bitter argument with him. When he got to paint the face of…

The Victor’s Blood

Dr Felix Ruh, a Jewish doctor, working in Paris was a co-worker of Louis Pasteur.  His granddaughter had died of black diphtheria, so he vowed he would find out more about what had killed her. He locked himself in his laboratory for days and emerged with a fierce determination to prove, with his colleague Louis…

Melons and straws:

As we walked (car out of action!) across the  Morrison’s (other supermarkets are available but not so close to home!) car park, me pulling a trolley bag containing the heavier items and him with a full shopping bag, he suddenly stopped, pulled out a second bag and shared the groceries between the bags. With one…

“That’s another fine mess!”

One day three year old Brandon sees his father eating chocolate chip cookies and says to himself, ”Daddy loves chocolate chip cookies with milk. So I’m going to give Daddy a glass of milk.”  With that he goes into the dining room and drags a dining room chair into the kitchen, leaving a trail of…

Tomatoes and Tom toms:

Singing the ‘Harvest Samba’ (if you don’t know this it is basically a list of food set to a samba tune reeled out annually for primary school children to celebrate harvest festival with a not too Christian emphasis) with my class on Thursday I was struck again by the diversity of nature. Just taking fruit…


As I reflect on the Queen’s funeral, two of the most enduring images are the little slip of paper that one of the clergy dropped accidentally by Her Majesty’s coffin and the amazing ‘Tall Man’ who led the procession in front of the hearse. The royal family were amazing, the pomp and tradition were awesome…

These are the days of Elijah

I was privileged to attend the welcome service for Rev Abe Konadu-Yiadom recently. It was an inspirational and uplifting meeting. One of the songs the band played for us was ‘These are the days of Elijah’. As we sang it, it struck me how relevant its words were for our situation today. The two prophets…