Posts by Christine ONeill (Page 10)

“That’s another fine mess!”

One day three year old Brandon sees his father eating chocolate chip cookies and says to himself, ”Daddy loves chocolate chip cookies with milk. So I’m going to give Daddy a glass of milk.”  With that he goes into the dining room and drags a dining room chair into the kitchen, leaving a trail of…

Tomatoes and Tom toms:

Singing the ‘Harvest Samba’ (if you don’t know this it is basically a list of food set to a samba tune reeled out annually for primary school children to celebrate harvest festival with a not too Christian emphasis) with my class on Thursday I was struck again by the diversity of nature. Just taking fruit…


As I reflect on the Queen’s funeral, two of the most enduring images are the little slip of paper that one of the clergy dropped accidentally by Her Majesty’s coffin and the amazing ‘Tall Man’ who led the procession in front of the hearse. The royal family were amazing, the pomp and tradition were awesome…

These are the days of Elijah

I was privileged to attend the welcome service for Rev Abe Konadu-Yiadom recently. It was an inspirational and uplifting meeting. One of the songs the band played for us was ‘These are the days of Elijah’. As we sang it, it struck me how relevant its words were for our situation today. The two prophets…


A day or two ago I stumbled upon an unfamiliar story in the Bible. It was set during the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt around 1400 BC. Five young sisters approached Moses and stood in front of the whole community. In my imagination, I see them as the original ‘Spice Girls’. They must have been young…


As I write this, during the last week our country has seen a change of prime minister and a change of monarch. I began to ponder what it means to be a good leader. Some are born to be leaders and trained up from an early age, maybe having to wait a lifetime before they…

Back to School!

As I prepared to return to school, I was surprised to find my daily Bible reading focussed on the visitof the three strangers to Abraham. Then the verse on my calendar was “And all thy children shall betaught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children”. Now, I appreciate that thecompilers…

My Chains fell off?

Tuesday 23rd August is designated by UNESCO as International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. John Wesley was ahead of his time in his abhorrence of slavery. In fact, his last letter was to William Wilberforce MP on 24th February 1791, just six days before he died.  At that time,…

Down and out!

I’ve just found my diary entry for exactly a year ago. Must have been a bad day… There’s a quote from Psalm 90: 9-10 “All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan.  Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best…

Too good to be true?

My mother tells this story about growing up after the war with her two older brothers.  They never usually wanted her to include her in their games, especially when they were pretending to be soldiers – marching round the garden with sticks for guns!  However, on this particular day, they invited her to join in.…