Posts by Christine ONeill (Page 10)

The Big Rock

Young George was playing outside in his sandbox one Saturday morning. He was making roads and tunnels for his cars and trucks to drive along and through. However, in the middle of the sand was a large rock.  At first, he used it in his game as a roundabout but eventually he decided that it…


The greatest picture of a father’s love is found in the familiar parable found in Luke 15, commonly known as ‘The Prodigal Son.’ When the son comes to  his senses and decides to return – it is to a person rather than a place. It seems that he expects rather a judgemental court martial type…

What is your best?

How do you choose cards for those you love? Do you go for the words or the picture?  Do you choose one that states the relationship you are to the recipient? Or do you pick the cheapest? I was studying the birthday cards I received recently. Thankfully, none had age numbers on. It struck me…

Water, wind and fire

Water, wind and fire – all symbols of the Holy Spirit. All can be small and gentle – dew drops, baby’s breath, candle flames or enormous and devastating – tsunamis, hurricanes, forest fires. Powerful, out of control, scary. Sometimes, I’m guilty of taking God for granted. Of wanting Him on my terms – a nice…

God sees

It’s easy to get discouraged when church congregations seem to be dwindling and statistics show that people seem to have little interest in the things of God. God is watching Recently I read this story of a band of travelling musicians and actors who were performing from town to town. Times were hard, audiences were…

Sixty minute make over

Do you remember Ananias in the early church?  When Saul, later to be Paul, had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and was blinded, Ananias had a vision. The Lord told him to go to the house of Judas and lay his hands on Saul of Tarsus and he would receive his…

Reigning forever

As I write this, there are daily revelations and updates as to how the coronation of King Charles III is to be celebrated – which carriages are to be used, who’s on the invitation list, what the route will be etc. Comparisons are being made with the last coronation and people are reminiscing about what…

Get up!

Recently I read that when a giraffe is born, its front hooves and head emerge first. Suddenly, the baby is catapulted ten feet from its mother’s body, landing on its back.  It rolls to an upright position with its legs tucked under its body. Rather startled, it shakes any birthing fluid from its body and…

Defying gravity?

Just after Easter, we walked the ‘Henley loop’ with my sister and brother in law. It was a bright breezy day but the ground was damp and muddy. I was bringing up the rear. Each time we came to a muddy patch, I would stop and assess how best to cross it. Could I skirt…

A license to drift?

Gareth Southgate was interviewed about his latest inclusion in the England squad, James Maddison, who was making his debut against Ukraine. Talking about his flexibility and many skills on the pitch, he said he had granted him a ‘license to drift’, meaning, I suppose, that he was free to move wherever he wanted, wherever he…