Posts by Christine ONeill


Mark 9:36-37  Then He (Jesus) took a little child and put it among them, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes not me but the One who sent me.” The picture of a blonde, blue eyed Jesus surrounded by angelic well-behaved children sitting on a green grassy…


Thinking back five years, when Covid 19 was taking hold in this country, our first defence, since there was no vaccine, was to put on our masks. They were in short supply and the protective barrier they gave us also blocked out vital communication. We couldn’t hear clearly what people were saying to us especially…

After 60 years…

Every so often, for a treat when we were little, my Mum would buy my brother and myself (this was when we were very young and there were only two of us) a cream doughnut as a special treat – the long ones that are split in half lengthways and filled with cream and jam.…

World Day of Prayer

Today is the World Day of Prayer (formerly the Women’s World Day of Prayer). If you are able to attend a local World Day of Prayer service today – please do. However, it is possible to search for it on google and be part of the worship in your own home if you are unable…


If the baby was fretful all day – that would be a long tiring day.  However, if they screamed and screamed, generally it didn’t last long, either it would be obvious what was wrong and it could be sorted with a nappy change or a dose of paracetamol or they would tire themselves out and…


You know how sometimes you try to avoid something only to find that God won’t let it go and basically, He throws it in Your face so often that You have to give in albeit ever so reluctantly?  Well, that’s how it’s been with me recently and mud. Yes, God just keeps throwing it at…

Jesus loves me this I know

Wherever I have been this week, shop windows have been covered in hearts – mostly red but one phone shop particularly had blue ones. Love is in the air. I was reminded of my Dad singing the good old hymn, ’Jesus loves me, this I know’. He wasn’t a church goer in his later years…


February – the shortest month – some years doesn’t even contain a full moon, depending on how the dates fall. It was named after the Latin term ‘februum’ meaning purification since the Christian festival of Candlemas recognises Mary’s purification after the birth of Jesus occurs on the 2nd February. It’s a season of change as…


In the last few days I have rediscovered the beauty of frost. Crunching my way in the semi darkness to an early breakfast meeting, the glittery sparkles of frost underfoot blew me away. It struck me that it was so much more beautiful even than newly laid untouched snow. When I looked at car rooves…

Psalm 99

My Mum chooses a Psalm every year. When I asked her which she had chosen for 2025, she told me it is Psalm 99. She’s hand written it into the front of her diary and will refer to it regularly as the year rolls on. I read it through and to me it divides into…