Posts by Anna Porter (Page 5)

Get rid of the negative

A few days ago when I was visiting a close friend who is quite ill, I met her daughter’s dog for the first time. She is quite a character and certainly makes her presence felt. When she was a pup she broke one of her front legs and it didn’t heal properly so after a while…


This weekend holds many eventful dates for me. The 7th September is the ninth anniversary of my sister’s death. The 8th is Drew and I’s 41st wedding anniversary. Last year we celebrated our Ruby anniversary by isolating as Drew was going into Royal Papworth to have a Triple Bypass, which was successfully carried out on the 10th September.…

The warmth of the sun

My family are all Lego fans and in fact my son’s partner took him to visit Legoland at Windsor for his 40th birthday present just the other weekend. I now get lovely flowers to build with Lego and the photo I’ve included is of my two sunflowers. I like sunflowers as they look happy with…

The Difference.

I found this little card in St. Clare’s in Coventry. I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day; I had so much to accomplish that I didn’t have time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task, “Why doesn’t God help me?” I wondered, He answered, “You…

I can!

My holiday recently to Warwick has given me quite a few thoughts for the day and here’s another one. On the day we were in Coventry we visited St. Clare’s church, which is where James and Jess worship. It is tucked between the old and new cathedrals and has a lovely Fairly Traded goods shop…

Around the corner

On my recent holiday we visited Coventry Cathedral. Firstly, we stood in the ruins of the old one, which must have been a magnificent building, and then we walked into the new one. I love stained glass and I just stood and admired the most fabulous window. The colours and patterns were awe inspiring. I…

Dont overstretch

Last week my husband, son and I had a three-night stay in Warwick. We met up with my other son and his partner who live in Coventry. On one of the days, we visited the Charterhouse in Coventry. It is set in lovely grounds and it was very interesting to see the wall murals which…

When ready…

At Easter when my son and his partner came to stay Jess brought me a couple of tomato plants. I have never grown tomatoes in my lifetime. I kept them indoors for a while and then transferred them to a large pot outside. They grew into large plants but I had no idea that I…

Just a cup of tea?

On Thursday the 13th July at the Folk Cafe in Trinity Anne Clake sang this lovely song beautifully. Love that Makes a Cup of Tea. There is love that moves a mountain, There is love that beats a drum, There is love that fights for justice, Knowing justice won’t be done. There is love that…

Dont find fault

Recently I’ve been badly affected by vertigo so I’ve been spending my time sitting and trying not to fall over when I’m walking (staggering like a drunk) about. This has given me the opportunity to sort out some of my box files of keepsakes and little booklets. I came across the following poem which had…