At the end of the tunnel

My husband and I enjoyed watching Canal Boat Diaries recently on television. We have always fancied having a holiday on one but we would want to have a Captain on board steering the boat for us. I believe that it is quite difficult to steer them and I reckon I would probably end up crashing into other boats or getting too close for comfort to the sides of the canal.

One part which I definitely didn’t enjoy watching was when the guy was taking his boat through a long tunnel. I’m practically having palpitations just thinking about it now. A couple of my friends have just returned from one such holiday and the photo was taken as they were coming out of a tunnel. It is such a beautiful photo and quite a reward after the darkness of the tunnel.

Sometimes, in life, we may be going through a very dark tunnel where we really can feel trapped and see no way out, but if we look closely enough there will be a spot of light at the end. As we approach it the light becomes bigger and bigger and then we are out in the open. 

John 1 v 5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”

Thank You Lord that you are the light in our darkness.