
During Antarctica’s nine-month winter, the continent is engulfed in darkness and the temperature sinks to -115 F (-82 C). Flights are halted from late February to November, leaving workers at scattered research stations isolated and virtually cut off from outside help. Yet in 2001, two daring rescue missions penetrated the polar winter and airlifted people with serious medical conditions to safety.

We all feel helpless and cut off at times. It may seem that not even God can hear or answer our cries for help. The psalmist David said in a time of trouble, “I am cut off from before Your eyes” (Psalm 31 v 22). But David discovered that the Lord had not forgotten him and he rejoiced, “You heard the voice of my supplications when I cried out to You (v 22).

What circumstances make you feel helpless or hopeless today? Poor health, broken relationships, a family member in great need? In Jesus Christ, God has pierced the dark winter of our world in a daring rescue Through His redeeming love. He is therefore able to reach out and calm our fears in the most desperate circumstances.”

I remember when I was a child there was a very severe blizzard. The snow just kept on falling and our house was completely cut off. Our lane had about 6 feet of snow and there was a drift at the end of the house which was about 15 feet deep. We had no electricity and no running water.

As a child it was very exciting to be enclosed in this snow but my parents had to start the hard work of trying to clear a path. We all ended up with spades and brushes, working together to dig our way out. At one stage I remember very vividly my uncle, who was a farmer, arriving with fresh milk, eggs and homemade butter for us. He was wearing his version of homemade snow- shoes, which actually worked well. He was our rescuer in difficult conditions.

God’s help is only a prayer away. Let’s pray for all those who are in need of being rescued from desperate circumstances.