
Psalm 139 verse 14 “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Revised AV)

In an appendix to his book ‘Who do you think you are?’, Steve Mawston lists many of the amazing truths about the working of the normal human body.

For example, the human body contains 55,000 miles of blood vessels. Stretched out from end to end they would circle the earth more than twice. The body has been designed so that no tissue is more than 1/500th of an inch away from a blood vessel.

Again, your skin is flaking away at such a rate that we replace our whole skin every 50 days.

When you sneeze, air is expelled through your nose at up to 100 miles per hour. You automatically close your eyes as a natural reflex which prevents them popping out of your head. The sneeze removes irritating particles in the nose and windpipe.

It is possible to believe that the intricate design of the human body came about as the result of chance, as some do.