Am I redundant?

Even people not interested in football have probably not avoided the euphoria that accompanied the Ipswich Town football team’s promotion to the Premier League. Following on from that, there have been details of large sums of money spent on bringing new players to join the team.

As I read of these ‘transfers in, I wondered how some of the players, who were part of that successful team, felt after they had helped to achieve that promotion. Will they lose their place in the team because someone considered better will replace them, or will this help to relieve the pressure? And, of course, those who have now been released as no longer required.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the book of Acts records how the disciple, Peter, known too often as the disciple who denied Jesus three times, was amazingly used by God. But after a few chapters, Peter is no longer mentioned and a new person comes into the limelight. A Christian persecutor whose name was changed from Saul to Paul became the main focus of the writer and also the author of many of the following books (or letters) that make up much of the New Testament.

At the end of the book written by John, chapter 21, there is an interesting conversation involving Jesus and his disciples. Because of a misunderstanding, the question is asked, “What about him, Lord?” Jesus’ response includes the comment “What is that to you?”

As humans, we are not immune from feelings of disappointment when others, even better qualified, are used in the church. May we be open to welcome and support those who God uses in the church, even in ways that are vastly different to those we used in the past.  I recall, from many years ago, a preacher bringing a group of young people to our evening service. During his talk, he invited them to “perform a drama” and my apprehension soon changed to amazement at the dramatic way they shared a Bible story. Even today, I can recall highlights of that presentation.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, it is a privilege to be used by You and we ask that You will guard against any adverse reaction to the use of other Christians and help us to encourage those You use by our prayers and support. AMEN.