A thorn in the flesh

Last week I was clearing brambles, of which there are many, from our garden. I managed to get a thorn in my finger. However I didn’t notice it until a few days later when my finger became rather sore, particularly when putting pressure on it. I looked at my finger which was becoming rather red in one area and deep under the skin I noticed a tiny black spec. Having some medical training, I got a needlework pin out, ran it under some hot water and poked it where I thought the thorn was. After much poking and squeezing the offending thorn was removed. My finger felt better immediately and soon the redness subsided.

Examining the thorn, it was smaller than a pin head, but the pain it caused was exponential to its size!

Paul had a “thorn” in his side. (2 Corinthians 12:7) His was not so easily removed and had been present for much longer than my irritating bramble thorn. At times it stopped him from carrying on his ministry, and was debilitating and frustrating. He saw it as something that helped develop humility, a stronger character and empathy with others. However he still prayed to God for the “thorn” to be removed, three times in fact.

Do you have a “thorn” in your side? Is there something that irritates and is painful? There may be an easy solution to the problem, just like my tiny bramble thorn.

Or perhaps, you may have a long term “thorn in your side.” You may pray regularly for healing and it hasn’t happened. You might feel frustrated, debilitated, held back from what you want to do.

The story of Paul and his “thorn,” helps us to understand that even as Christians we are not immune to painful situations, but with prayer and trust in God’s mercy we can be helped to face them.

Prayer: Loving God, help us to remove those tiny specs that niggle, and help us face whatever difficulties we encounter in the knowledge that your grace and mercy will give us the strength we need. AMEN