A Statement of Faith

We believe in God,

who, in his Son Jesus Christ,

has come among us to defeat the power of sin

and the fear of death.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit,

poured out on the Church

to assure it of the presence and power

of the risen Christ.

We believe

that before time was, God is;

and that when history shall be ended and the universe scrapped,

God is,

ever the same loving Father

who has stooped to include us, through Christ,

in His everlasting purpose.

We believe

that God rules the future as well as the past,

and that nothing takes Him by surprise.

Changing times

can change the way God’s truth has to be told

– and no human words have ever told it right.

But truth is not in human telling.

The truth is Christ

and our hope is Christ.

In Him we hope,

though all else change,

though all else be taken from us.

We trust Him

to guide us and the Church

to what we must become;

and we trust Him for strength

to do what we and the Church must do.

Our hope is in God

who raised Jesus Christ from the dead

and calls us to new life in Him.

Our hope is in God

who made the universe of space and time

and will replace it with eternity.

Our hope is in God

for today,

for tomorrow,

and for ever.

To Him be glory.