A sign of faith

The Thought for the Day is from Philippians 2 v 2. then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind

Long lines of cars were filling up the huge parking lot of a church where a gentleman was attending a conference. As he parked, he noticed the word LOVE on a post in one section. In another area, he saw the word FAITHFULNESS. The next day he pulled into a different lot at the same church and saw PATIENCE on another sign. Like numbers in a mall car park, these words help people find their cars.

No doubt these signs served another purpose. After each session, some people were in a hurry to get home—-even cutting others off to get out of the lot. Patience wore thin and tempers flared. How appropriate these signs are! he thought. It’s amazing how quickly the love we have for our brothers and sisters in Christ can disappear in a parking lot!

The testing of our faith may come through heavy burdens, but it’s just as likely to occur in a checkout line, on the road or in a parking lot.

I know that at times I am very guilty of having a rant at other drivers. I’m also certain that at times other drivers are probably having a rant at me. What is it about driving that makes us lose our tempers so quickly? Thankfully we have a loving Father who does not lose His temper. He wants us to be faithful, patient and loving.

The clear sign of our faith is not what we say but what we do. Let’s show this sign to everyone.