A Reflection for Lent

Scripture:  Matthew 6:16
“When you fast, do not look sombre as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting.  I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.  But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

“What are you giving up for Lent?”  The answer is usually something like “I’m giving up chocolate for Lent”.  When my grandson was 4 years old, he announced that he was giving up “boiled cucumber” for Lent, which turned out to be courgettes.  Speaking personally, I could give them up all year round.

Lent is a period of 40 days beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on the Thursday of Holy week.  It marks Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness when He didn’t eat for the whole period and spent it communing with His Father and overcoming the devil’s temptations.  For God’s people today, it’s meant to be a special time of reflection and prayer. For many, it also involves giving up something, often an item of food.  If it’s something you indulge in and which is not that healthy, then maybe that’s no bad thing.

I came across some words which had been adapted from Pope Francis, and which I find very helpful:

Give up saying hurtful words and say kind words,
Give up feeling sad and be filled with happiness,
Give up getting angry and be filled with patience,
Give up thinking you have failed and be filled with hope,
Give up worries and trust in God,
Give up complaining and live simply,
Give up feeling pressurised and be prayerful,
Give up selfishness and be loving to others,
Give up holding grudges and make peace,
Give up words and be silent so you can listen.

Matthew tells us not to boast when we’re fasting, (or giving something up, which is a limited fast) but to do it in secret so that only God knows. If we give up things from the above list of attitudes, other people will come to know about it in time, without us saying anything.  It takes 40 days of practising to learn a new habit, so we can decide to change an attitude habit and learn a new one.  We will become happier as a result and those around will notice too.

Holy Spirit, help me to see how you want me to change and help me to practice new ways of thinking and be renewed inside.