On 4 August, a devastating explosion occurred at a warehouse in the Port of Beirut, causing widespread casualties and catastrophic damage to homes, hospitals, and other buildings throughout the area. Initial reports indicate more than 135 people were killed, and an additional 5,000 people were injured.
Action is now being taken to find many more, who remain missing. It is estimated by the Lebanese Government that the explosion has left more than 300,000 people homeless. Hospitals have struggled to cope with the number of casualties, with many intensive care units already near capacity as the country struggles to deal with the impact of Coronavirus.
All We Can is working with a local partner in Lebanon to help provide the support needed to those in greatest need. Please give generously to help save lives today. www.allwecan.org.uk/give/current-appeals/beirut/
Prayer from the Revd Ruth Gee, Assistant Secretary of the Methodist Conference.
As we continue to see and hear reports of devastation in Beirut we pray for those who are bereaved or injured and for those responding to the catastrophe that has engulfed the city.
Gracious God,
We pray for those who live and work in Beirut that
the bereaved may be consoled and
the injured comforted and healed.
We pray for the rescue services and the hospital staff
giving thanks for their commitment and skill.
In the midst of catastrophe we pray for peace, truth and justice.
As the sound of explosion fades and the smoke clears
give wisdom to those who lead,
courage to those who serve,
and hope to all.