A prayer

A couple of months ago I told you about my mother’s book of prayers which she had written for her Women’s meeting when she was President.

These prayers are lovely, my Mum was a member of the Methodist Church all her life, and she had a strong faith.

I thought I would share another of her prayers with you, this one she wrote for the meeting in May 2002, and you may like to use today:

Almighty God our Heavenly Father, who has promised that where two and three are gathered together in your name, you will be in the midst of them.  So be in our midst we pray.  You have assured us of your love and mercy and you will pardon our sins if only we come to you in the spirit of humility.  So forgive us for our complacency and for taking so much for granted.  You know how O Lord we want to do your will and fulfil your plan for us, but sometimes we find it hard to follow in the right direction, so give us the strength and courage to do what is right and pleasing in your sight.  Be with all those family and friends who need our prayers today whether sick, lonely or finding it hard at the moment for any reason.  We ask these prayers in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.   Amen.