A New Creation

I was born with spina bifida which resulted in me having one leg shorter and smaller than the other and I spent most of my first two years away from home in Great Ormond Street London. I was not expected to live and I am told I had the last rites read over me. But Father God had His hand on me and I survived. Still going at 71. So, Father looks at me not as second-hand because of my deformities but looks at me and sees that I am wonderfully made.

Heard God speaking these words to you:

“You are a new creation, created by me your heavenly Father. I make all things new; nothing is second-hand. You are unique, you are special to me for I formed you in your mother’s womb. I made you as I wanted you made and you are loved by me.

You are loved so much that I sent my son Jesus to take your place to die for your sins and because of this you can be free of the past of all the things that have a hold on you. So, remember you are special my child for I made you as I wanted you made.”